Standart 2.0 is completely implemented on the territory of Murmansk municipal unit
It should be recalled, that according to the Government of the Murmansk region Decree № 200-RP from 15.08.2014 Murmansk defined as a pilot municipal unit for implementing of the standard of local government municipalities and urban districts of Murmansk region to ensure a congenial investment climate in the municipal unit (hereinafter - the Standard). Implementation of standards was carried out in accordance with the action plan - a "roadmap" of the Standards’ implementation in accordance with recommendations of the Committee on Development of Industry and Entrepreneurship of Murmansk region. For the purpose of monitoring of implementation of Standard 2.0 by the order № 80-p from 27.10.2014 of the city Administration of Murmansk an expert group was established. The expert group includes representatives of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the Murmansk region, Murmansk regional department of the All-Russian Non-governmental Organization of Small and Medium Enterprises "SUPPORT RUSSIA", "Union of Fishermen of the North", "Association of Oil and Gas Suppliers "Murmanshelf", Murmansk Regional Agency for support of small and medium businesses, NGO "Foundation for Development of small and medium enterprises of the Murmansk region" (FORMAP).
November of current year the panelists got an independent public expert analysis of meeting the requirements of Standart’s regulations in Murmansk. According to the summary, provided by the business community, all the regulations of the Standard 2.0 are recognized to be conforming to its requirements, recommendations for their further implementation are offered.
November 19, 2014 within the III Murmansk international business week a round table: "Business climate in the municipalities of the Murmansk region" was held, where the first results of implementation of standards in the pilot municipalities of Murmansk region were considered. The Committee on Development of Industry and Entrepreneurship of Murmansk region prepared a conclusion on carrying-out of requirements of Standart’s regulations by local authorities of Murmansk municipal unit. As the result, Standart 2.0 is completely implemented on the territory of Murmansk municipal unit. The next stage will be monitoring of implementation of the Standard 2.0 and rating of the business community of the efficiency of it’s realization.