Regional program of increasing labor mobility
We inform you, that at the present time the regional program of increasing labor mobility (hereinafter – the Program) is being drawn up. The aim of the program is attraction of skilled labour to the enterprises of the Murmansk region, which implement investment projects.
The conditions of participation of employers in the program are established by the Article 22.2 of the Federal Act of the Russian Federation from 19.04.1991, № 1032-1 « Concerning Employment in the Russian Federation.
The criteria for the selection of investment projects to be included in regional program of increasing labor mobility are established by the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation from 06.05.2015 № 272n.
The Committee on Labor and Employment of the Murmansk region invites all employers, implementing investment projects on the territory of the Murmansk region, to participate in the Program.
Contact information: the Committee on Labor and Employment of the Murmansk region, 183039, Murmansk, Knipovich str., h. 48, phone 23-49-15, 23-49-10).