The seminar «Business plan: what is important to consider while creation»
The Corporation for Development of the Murmansk region invites you to the seminar "Business Plan: what is important to consider while creation," which will be held May 28, 2015 from 13:30 till 16:30 in the Center of Business Development "Sberbank" in Murmansk, Lenin pr., 73
The event is held within the framework of the program "Polar Invest-Express" and is oriented to managers and members of small and medium business, as well as first-time entrepreneurs, the initiators of investment projects, persons interested in obtaining practical knowledge in the field of business planning.
Participation in the seminar is free, pre-registration is required.
Lector: Medved Victor Nikolaevich, expert in business planning of JSC "the Corporation for Development of the Murmansk region", Ph.D. in Economics.
In the seminar the following questions will be described:
- brief review of methods and standards of business planning;
- typical structure of a business plan;
- the consequences of incorrect business plan development;
- practical guidance on reporting the information in the section of the business plan;
- "checklist" for the customer / developer of a business plan: what is important to take into consideration.
For more information and to register for the seminar, please call:
- +7 (8152) 7-8152-7, 45-09-33 (the Corporation for Development of the Murmansk region)
- +7 (8152) 478-510, 478-497 (the Center of Business Development),
- e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the obligatory indication of the contact information for feedback.