The list of projects planned for implementation using the municipal-private partnership mechanism has been formed in Murmansk
In order to further develop the municipal-private partnership in the territory of the Murmansk municipality was formed and posted on the official website of the Murmansk city administration, the investment portal of the city of Murmansk, a list of projects planned for implementation using the mechanism of municipal-private partnership.
The list includes nine projects and covers various areas of municipal government: the organization of outdoor lighting, reconstruction of educational institutions, sports facilities. The form of implementation of these projects can be both an agreement on MPP and a concession agreement.
The list contains brief information about each project, including the estimated amount of investment, the current state of the object, the existing problems. More detailed information about the projects can be obtained by contacting the Committee of economic development of Murmansk city administration or the structural unit of the Murmansk city administration acting on behalf of the public partner in a particular project.
The list of projects planned to be implemented using the mechanism of the MPP on the territory of Murmansk is available on the official website of the Murmansk city administration, in the section of the Committee of economic development: