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Today, the total number of TOR and AZRF residents is 214. Murmansk Region Governor Andrey Chibis spoke about this during an operational meeting.

"As of the end of the first half of 2023, residents of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation and priority development areas have invested more than 190 billion rubles in the implementation of projects, which is half of the planned investments, and almost 5 thousand jobs have been created. 24 projects have been fully commissioned. And the total volume of investments that will be invested in the region's economy by residents already exceeds 384 billion rubles. The number of jobs planned to be created exceeds 11.5 thousand. This year, it is planned to complete projects to create a factory for slaughtering and processing Atlantic salmon with a production line capacity of up to 165 tons of finished products per day. A marine LNG handling complex will open in Ura-Guba. It is also planned to install a multifunctional roadside service complex in the village of Lovozero, which residents requested," the governor noted.

Deputy Governor of the Murmansk Region Olga Kuznetsova reported in more detail on the implementation of projects by residents of priority development areas and the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation and the operation of preferential regimes.

"The main objective of the priority development areas and Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation preference regimes is to assist in the implementation of projects through state support in the form of tax breaks and preferences. One of these preferences is compensation from the federal budget of 75% of the calculated insurance premiums for employees employed in newly created jobs within the framework of the project. As of June 2023, 22 residents have used this form of support. The amount of compensation for the entire period of project implementation amounted to 205 million rubles," Olga Kuznetsova emphasized.

Residents’ projects are mainly focused on the domestic market; more than half of the residents of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation and priority development areas are engaged in design, construction and equipment procurement.

Another highly sought-after support measure is obtaining land plots for the implementation of projects without holding tenders. As of the first half of 2023, the regional Ministry of Property Relations concluded 264 land lease agreements with residents of priority development areas and the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation. The total area of ​​land plots leased for the implementation of projects exceeds 9.5 million square meters.

"Every third project is implemented in the tourism sector. This is understandable, because the tourist flow to the Murmansk region continues to grow. In 2022, it exceeded the 2021 figure by 11% and amounted to about 540 thousand people. Over 4 years, more than 1.8 million people entered the Murmansk region, and tourism revenues exceeded 9.3 billion rubles," the vice-governor added.

The geography of project implementation has already spread to all the main municipalities of the region. Projects are being implemented even on the territory of ZATO Severomorsk and ZATO Vidyayevo.

Among the implemented projects are the center for the construction of large-tonnage marine structures of the Novatek-Murmansk company, the production site of the Renaissance Arctic company, on the basis of which metal structures for LNG plants were assembled, the panoramic restaurant "Plato", the fish processing plant "Tersky Bereg", the multifunctional roadside service complex Atlas on the Murmansk-Pechenga highway and others.

This year, residents of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation have commissioned a number of interesting, vibrant tourist sites, such as the Titovka River Park country hotel of the Studeny Bereg company, the Izovela sanatorium in Apatity, the 3-star Sokroma Giperboreya hotel in Kirovsk, the Dzhani Restauranti Georgian restaurant in Monchegorsk, and many others.

The following projects are at an advanced stage and are already close to completion - the creation of the Lavna Coal Handling Complex, implemented by the TOR resident company MTP Lavna. The overall readiness of the project is 68%. Also, in accordance with the approved schedule, the implementation of the Kovdorsky GOK development project continues.

The project has already created 113 jobs.

The company "Russian Salmon" has completed the implementation of one of the two announced projects - the creation of a factory for the slaughter and processing of Atlantic salmon. The maximum production capacity of the line will be 165 tons of finished products per day.

The transport and logistics sector occupies a significant part of the region's economy. In this regard, we provide maximum support to projects in this industry.

By the end of this year, the official commissioning of the Vitino seaport, designed for transshipment of petroleum products, is expected. Also this year, the resident of the priority development area, the Arctic Transshipment Company, a subsidiary of PAO NOVATEK, plans to fully complete the implementation of the project to create a marine LNG transshipment complex in Ura-Guba, Murmansk Region.

At the end of 2023, we expect the opening of a landmark facility in Lovozero, which the villagers have been asking for for so long, the Atlas-Lovozero multifunctional roadside service complex. This will be the second project to be implemented by the Ivekta group of companies in the region.

"I would like to note that despite all the difficulties that our business is currently facing, the implementation of projects continues and the number of residents does not stop growing. A significant merit of this is the effective work of our support institutions "KRDV Murmansk" and "Murmansk Region Development Corporation", ready to come to the aid of the investor in any, even the most difficult situation," concluded Olga Kuznetsova.

/ Ministry of Information Policy of the Murmansk Region /