News Register of favourable offers of Russian regions
To provide information advancement of the development of additional measures to improve the investment climate and ensure the sustainability of economic and social development of the federal subjects and municipalities of the Russian Federation, ONA "Russian News", the international news agency of Russian regions and magazine staff of "Russia's economic policy" established by Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and Rosstat, form a free online resource for organizations, called "News registry of favourable offers of Russian Regions"
The portal is made as constantly updated news database and allows registered institutions, organizations and businesses for publish quickly (without long-time moderation) current news information about their innovative and investment projects, goods, works or services, as well as on socio-economic and investment development of the territories, maintenance of financial stability and pricing strategies generation, enterprise and consumer market development, housing and urban construction, modernization of agro-industrial complex, housing and community amenities, fuel-and-energy company and ecological safety, pursuit of veterinary activities and license regulation, moderation of the procurement and tariff regulation contract system, employment and labor relations, promotion of food security, natural, cultural, sports and tourism, research and education potential, improvement of the availability and quality of information and communication, registry offices and notaries, health care, civil, legal and social protection of Russian citizens.
Internet resource is created to help people, regional companies and organizations to find relevant offers from suppliers from all regions of Russia and reveals the competitive positions of the economy and social sphere sectors in every region of the Russian Federation, their capabilities and internal reserves, and also the best practices in the federal subjects and municipalities of the Russian Federation to ensure sustainable economic development, social stability and to develop competition in the regions.