Advance canvass for participation in the program “Polar Invest-Express” continues
In connection with the growing interest of small and medium companies, collection of the applications for participation in the program "Polar Invest-Express", implemented by JSC "Corporation for Development of the Murmansk region" and the Ministry of Industry and Enterprise Development of the Murmansk region, is extended till 09.15.2015. More than 30 of the most promising investment projects are already selected from the start of the program. Much attention is given to the projects and business ideas related to the reconstruction and construction of facilities, modernization and launch of production, products and services development, aimed at import substitution. December 2015, 10 winners of the program will enter into an agreement in order to provide information and consulting services, including adaptation of the project business, design of the documents for obtaining subsidies and grants.
For participation you need fill up the form on website or send it by any comfortable means:
- e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- fax: 8 (8152)450940
- address: 183038, Murmansk, Lenin prospect, h. 82 (BC «Arctica»), of. 1005.
Contacts: Velmozhina Anastasia Olegovna, marketing communications manager, tel. +7 (921) 270-01-08, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..