Webinar on the participation in the Annual Public Award "Regions - Sustainable Development" competition
In order of implementation of the instruction of the Government of the Russian Federation of 10.08.2011 № DK-P9-5670 twice a year regional applications for participation in the competition Annual Public Award "Regions - Sustainable Development "(hereinafter - Competition) are granted.
In order to provide potential applicants with information on the mechanisms of review and implementation of investment projects Organizing Committee of the Competition, together with representatives of OJSC "Sberbank of Russia" will hold a webinar on 01.04.2015 at 2 PM in Murmansk branch of OJSC "Sberbank of Russia" № 8627 at the address: 73 Lenin ave., Murmansk.
Responsible representatives of executive authorities, enterprises and organizations of the Murmansk region interested in attracting investment for projects of the real sector of the economy are invited to participate in the webinar.
Application for participation should be sent to the Committee for Economic Development of the Administration of the city of Murmansk until 03.25.2015 by fax 45-85-60, indicating full name, company name, job title and contact details.
Materials for the webinar are available in the "Investor Guide / Contests".