The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation summed up the results of the rating of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation by the level of development of public-private partnerships for 2021. Thus, in 2021, the Murmansk Region rose to fourth place in the rating, improving its result from last year by 19 positions.

The position in the rating was based on the assessment of the following factors: an assessment of the results of the implementation of PPP projects in 2021 and in previous years, as well as an assessment of the work of government bodies, their openness to investors and readiness to support PPP projects.

The positive rating in 2021 was influenced by the completion of the investment phase of a number of major projects, as well as the launch of new initiatives. Unique conditions for doing business have been created for investors - these are preferential regimes of the advanced development territory "Capital of the Arctic" and the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. Tax benefits, insurance payments, additional financial support for the creation of infrastructure are available. The Murmansk region is a leader among other regions in attracting investors in the Arctic zone. Currently, 152 companies are residents,
94 of which were registered in 2021. Within the framework of the advanced development territory "Capital of the Arctic", investments are carried out by 8 residents. State benefits apply both to organizations implementing projects under concession agreements and public-private partnership agreements, and to large projects that have received the status of priority and strategic projects of the Murmansk region. To increase the transparency of the consideration of private concession initiatives and PPP projects, procedures for their consideration at the regional and local levels have been approved.

In the Murmansk region, a regional PPP center operates to attract and support investors. In 2021, 43 investment initiatives from government bodies and investors were submitted to it for consideration.

In 2021, the institute of investment commissioners from among the heads of state and local government bodies began operating in the region. Their rating is compiled on a monthly basis based on assessments according to the criteria of information support and support, development of projects with investors, and the investment climate.