Municipal Investment Forum in Kazan
In 2024, a series of municipal investment forums are planned to be held in a number of cities in order to increase the investment attractiveness of municipalities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation through the development of the institution of municipal investment commissioners of the National Association of Investment and Development Agencies (NAAIR) with the support of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia. The results of these events will be summed up at the end of this year at the all-Russian forum dedicated to the Regional Investment Standard.
The second forum was held in the city of Innopolis (Republic of Tatarstan) from May 23 to 25, 2024, organized by the Investment Development Agency of the Republic of Tatarstan. More than 300 people from 38 regions of the Russian Federation took part in the forum.
The main objectives of this forum are to form a community of municipal investment commissioners, popularize the municipal investment standard, exchange municipal practices with investors, and formulate proposals for the further development of the municipal investment standard.
The forum was attended by municipal investment commissioners, heads of municipalities, representatives of federal and regional authorities, regional development agencies and business associations.
As part of the business program, a plenary session was held on May 24, during which participants discussed increasing the investment attractiveness of municipalities through the development of the institution of municipal investment commissioners, analysis of the main trends and popularization of the “municipal investment standard”, as well as the role of municipal investment commissioners.”
In addition, a business session was held on "Building a system of work with investors at the municipal level. Successful practices in the development of municipalities and the urban environment, possible solutions for scaling in municipalities of the Russian Federation" with the participation of heads of districts of the Republic of Tatarstan and business communities.
On May 25, master classes were held at the NAAIR Training Center, during which issues of municipal acceleration programs for identifying and supporting entrepreneurial initiatives, forming a municipal investment profile, as well as the role of municipal investment commissioners were discussed.
/ Copyright holder of the photo materials - ANO "Directorate of International Programs"