The Roscosmos State Corporation Competence Center's Murmansk Arctic University Project Receives Support from the Russian Science Foundation
Among the winners of the regional competition of the Russian Science Foundation from the Murmansk Arctic University, it is worth mentioning the project to create a regional portal for monitoring hazardous phenomena of natural and anthropogenic origin in the Murmansk region. This project, which received three-year funding for its implementation, consists of three major tasks.
The first is the development of a geoinformation web application - a regional portal of satellite data and geophysical model results - for studying and monitoring the state of the environment of the Murmansk region and adjacent waters.
The second is the development and adaptation of satellite products and products of unmanned aircraft systems and methods for restoring geophysical parameters to solve regional problems, as well as regional models of the dynamics of hazardous phenomena.
The third is conducting a pilot monitoring and study of the variability of the environment and hazardous phenomena based on satellite data and modeling.
This project is a direct addition to the joint project of the State Corporation Roscosmos and the Murmansk Arctic University to create a Competence Center in the field of space activity results on the basis of the latter.
The winning project of the Russian Science Foundation not only has the opportunity to be implemented at the most modern world level. The experience of creating a regional portal for monitoring hazardous phenomena of natural and anthropogenic origin will have the potential to be disseminated for the needs of all subjects of the Russian Federation, including in the field of support for making predictive decisions for regional situation centers, for municipal management and economic activities of organizations.
As previously reported, Roscosmos State Corporation is creating in the summer of 2024 a fully technically equipped laboratory of the Competence Center with licensed software for data processing and the ability to directly access information from Roscosmos State Corporation.
/ Ministry of Information Policy of the Murmansk Region according to information from the press service of the MAU