Murmansk entered the top ten cities in terms of quality of public transport
SIMETRA, the competence center for traffic flow modeling and transport planning, has summed up the results for 2023. Murmansk has been among the top twenty regions of Russia in terms of public transport quality for two years in a row: 19th in 2021 and 16th in 2022. In 2023, Murmansk took an honorable 10th place in the rating table.
The quality of transport services was assessed according to several criteria: physical accessibility, affordability, functionality of the transport network, comfort and convenience, safety and sustainability of development.
SIMETRA transport engineers especially noted the success of the Murmansk region in upgrading its rolling stock and focusing on trolleybus service.
“The routine work to improve the public transport system is producing excellent results. The planned process of rolling stock upgrade practically does not raise any complaints. At the same time, the clear distribution of transport system functions and the development of transportation around the main trolleybus service make it possible to achieve a noteworthy result,” SIMETRA employees said.
In accordance with the strategic plan for the development of the Murmansk region "To live in the North", the renewal of public transport will continue this year. Today, the share of vehicles operating on regular transportation routes in the Murmansk region at regulated rates, no older than 5 years, taking into account the renewal at the expense of the carriers' own funds, is 88%, and for Murmansk - 84%.
Let us recall that since 2021, using funds from the regional budget, 233 units of public transport have already been updated in the Murmansk region: 55 trolleybuses and 178 buses.
/ Ministry of Transport and Road Facilities of the Murmansk Region /